Monday, December 1, 2014

Lightning The Way

As my previous Post during Loc/Doc Drama i have chosen to be part of a Psycho Recreation group, i was chosen to do three roles I've have already touched upon Sound. In this post i will go in depth with Lightning Technician

Lighting Tech

Lightning Techs are involved with rigging location sets and controlling artificial, electric lights, to give certain moods or looks to shots, again i will be doing this for the documentary which doesn't require much difference lightning techniques but just another to make it look pleasing.

To be a good Lightning Tech i will have to be:
  • pay great attention to detail
  • take a logical approach to problem-solving
  • be able to plan ahead effectively
  • possess physical and mental stamina for long working hours
  • have good colour vision
  • be able to concentrate for long periods of time

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