Thursday, December 4, 2014

One of these scripts is not like the others

I'm back again, as i have recently just found a page that may be useful for my journal that actually goes in depth with how T.V. and Movie scripts are different and it turns out there are many ways:

1) Know thy scripts 

The First way to show the difference between the T.v and movie scripts is to know the scripts. T.v scripts can be used for news, ads. sitcoms and much more while movie's or short films 

2) - Cover and the page 

After determining what type of script you have you can then look at title page and cover for determining script's . This is the next distinctive difference between a TV and movie script. The title page of  TV script's should contain the title of the show, the episode name, and usually the name of the writer. The title page for your movie script should contain the title of the film along with the writer listed below it.

3) - Laying It Out 

Third difference between a TV and a movie script is the layout that is contained on each page. In TV script, the formatting is divided into two columns most commonly referred to as the 1/3; 2/3 TV Script. On the left column all your visual elements for the script will be contained in that area. On the right  of the page, all of the audio sounds will be incorporated in this section. With this dual method, the TV script has the reader to think in dual methods both hearing and seeing.  The movie script contains a layout without columns, but relies on the use of tabs and margins.  Along with the tabs and margins, a movie script contains a lay out which shows all the words formatted and aligned towards the center of the page.

4)- Format away
The last major difference is formatting. The formatting for a TV script relies on the use of capital letters to distinguish the audio portion of the story from the  video side.The audio section of the script must contain all caps, while the video column remains in upper and lowercase. Another unique difference a TV script has is that it showcases estimated time duration for each section of dialogue. This documented time duration can  prove to be extremely useful during a live TV production. 

The format for a movie script as you can expect is a little bit different from TV. A movie script requires caps for the following elements: the character name, scene heading, and shot transition. Along with the use of capital letters, the margins and tabs are broken down to four elements such as the: dialogue, the character, the action, and the scene location. Each element has their own distinctive tab indentation which allows the users to read through a script quickly. Both TV and movie scripts have unique formats and layouts with different purposes. By determining the proper use and difference, knowing this should help in the distinguishing of each of the scripts

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