Why this film?:
Some documentaries and films stay with you long after watched them and Blackfish is no exception. Blackfish for want of a better word hits you in the face with how aggressive and how hard it is. Blackfish details the chronicles of seaworld Orcas particularly Tilikum and the danger of captive Killer Whales something i wasn't aware of, what this film does is opens your eyes to what might go on at Seaworld and parks similar granted i am aware that documentaries can present something one way when its actually another, and Blackfish has been known for its controversies but that never impacts what the film does which is to tell you that this thing is happening whether you know about or care about and it lets you know why you should.
What i will take away from this:
People have described Blackfish as "a gripping example of documentary film making at its finest" and it truly feels like it is, so what will i take away from this i guess its sometimes being controversial works in your favour as it can get people talking good or bad about your documentary. Another reason and most important in my mind is to push boundaries because it gets people into the debate if there's one to be had and it address issues and makes people think about things that may never have crossed their minds.
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