Why this film?:
To be honest before this documentary i hadn't heard of Columbine due to me being way to young when it happened, but this documentary opened my eyes to this tragedy. So why do i think this is a good documentary? Well one of my main reason is how it tells its story while Columbine is a tragedy Moore doesn't make it somber, in no means does he make light of the tragedy but we does add humour to a documentary that would otherwise be very bleak. He also has a way of confrontation that i think works where he creates a rapport with the interviewee that adds a certain tone to what happens during the interviews whether its with Marilyn Mason, Matt Stone and Trey Parker (Co-Creators of South Park) or Charlton Heston which arguable doesn't go well, but still it's the way he interacts that works. Overall why i feel this documentary works is because of what Moore looks at he doesn't shine away from topics that others might but he gives them a fun bend that in this bleak world we live in, i think its needed.
What i will take away from this:
What i will use in the future from this documentary is the humour and lightheartedness that gives documentaries that no matter how hard the subject is that you should have fun and never make it as bleak it could be.
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