Sunday, April 30, 2017

Script Godly: Reincarnation

Image result for reincarnation

Overview: A big part of my whole script is about reincarnation and that is basically what fuels the story and the characters, as obviously the main characters bar one are reincarnated gods. So for this  post i will talk about reincarnation such as what it is and basic information from buddhism guides etc.

What Is It: Reincarnation is the philosophical or religious concept that an aspect of a living being starts a new life in a different physical body or form after each biological death. It is also called rebirth or transmigration.

What Reincarnation Isn't: According to reincarnation is not a simple physical birth of a person; for instance, a person called John being reborn as a cat in the next life. In this case John possesses an immortal soul which transforms to the form of a cat after his death. This cycle is repeated over and over again. Or if he is lucky, he will be reborn as a human being. This notion of the transmigration of the soul definitely does not exist in Buddhism.

How Does Reincarnation Work? : Depending on the religion or philosophy, the soul can appear incarnate in humans, animals or plants as it works its way toward an eventual escape from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Most religions that believe in reincarnation consider it the path to purity and salvation.

Reincarnation In The Western World:  
Recent studies have indicated that some Westerners accept the idea of reincarnation including certain contemporary people who were from Catholic families,modern Neopagans, followers of SpiritismTheosophists and students of esoteric philosophies such as Kabbalah, and Gnostic and Esoteric Christianity as well as of Indian religions. Demographic survey data from 1999–2002 shows a significant minority of people from Europe and America, where there is reasonable freedom of thought and access to ideas but no outstanding recent reincarnationist tradition, believe we had a life before we were born, will survive death and be born again physically. The mean for the Nordic countries is 22%. 

The belief in reincarnation is particularly high in the Baltic countries, with Lithuania having the highest figure for the whole of Europe, 44%. The lowest figure is in East Germany, 12%. In Russia, about one-third believes in reincarnation. The effect of communist anti-religious ideas on the beliefs of the populations of Eastern Europe seems to have been rather slight, if any, except apparently in East Germany. Overall, 22% of respondents in Western Europe believe in reincarnation.

Script Godly: Fenrir

Image result for Fenrir norse

Overview:  When writing the script I wanted the doctor to be the main villain and having wolves attack the hospital and technically be foot shoulders, it made sense to have Fenrir from Norse Mythology attacked as the villain as it was cool design and character choice but also to be an strong villain for the climax.

Name: Fenrir 

Pantheon: Norse

Deity Type: Monstrous Wolf

In the Prose Edda, additional information is given about Fenrir, including that, due to the gods' knowledge of prophecies foretelling great trouble from Fenrir and his rapid growth, the gods bound him, and as a result Fenrir bit off the right hand of the god Týr. Depictions of Fenrir have been identified on various objects, and scholarly theories have been proposed regarding Fenrir's relation to other canine beings in Norse mythology. Fenrir has been the subject of artistic depictions, and he appears in literature.

Fenrir and Other Wolves in Norse Mythology:
Something I attempted to do was hint that the wolves are connected with Fenrir more so than just his pack and alot of people also looked at this idea.

There’s good reason to think that many of the other wolves mentioned in Old Norse literature are actually Fenrir going under different names. One Old Norse poem states that he swallows the sun during Ragnarok,a feat which is elsewhere reserved for another wolf named Sköll (“Mockery”). Another old Norse poem repeatedly mentions a wolf named Garmr who breaks free from chains at Ragnarok; which applies to Fenrir.

In another source, we find the wolf who consumes the moon called by the name of “Moon-garmr” (Mánagarmr).Thus, the moon-eating wolf, who is elsewhere called Háti (“Hatred”) would seem to be another extension of Fenrir. It appears that it was ultimately Fenrir who, in addition to killing Odin and destroying much of the world, ate the sun and the moon during Ragnarok.

Script Godly: Honos

Image result for Honos Roman God

Overview: Similar to Alexis I wanted Mac to be a minor god specifically something to do with war or fighting as in the script he would be one who would be the fighter of the group, so at first I looked at Celtic god's but I couldn't really find anything until I came across Honos a roman god which fight what I was looking for and I liked having the connection Greek and Roman gods working together has.

Name: Honos

Pantheon: Roman

Deity Type: God of chivalryhonour and military justice.

Symbol: Depicted in art with a lance and a cornucopia.

Unlike of gods that I have or will talk about, there is alot of information about Honos at their but I've added what I feel needed to be add even if its on the small size.

Script Godly: Iris

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Overview: For two of my main characters Mac and Alexis I wanted them to be gods to introduce this concept to Danny, I did however imagine that some of the higher up gods wouldn't do any collecting of new gods and they would leave it to Minor gods so this lead me to look into minor gods for Mac and Alexis to be. I eventually settled on Iris for Alexis as what  Iris is goddess of was something fun I could include in the script.

Name: Iris

Pantheon: Greek

Deity Type: Goddess of the Rainbow/ Messenger Of The Gods.

Symbol: Rainbow

The Reason I picked Iris was particularly due to her being the goddess of rainbows and I thought incorporating Rainbows into Alexis fighting and design really got me invested.
Representation: Iris is represented either as a rainbow, or as a beautiful young maiden with wings on her shoulders. As a goddess, Iris is associated with communicationmessages, the rainbow and new endeavors. This personification of  a rainbow was once described as being a link to the heavens and earth.

In some texts she is depicted wearing a coat of many colors. With this coat she actually creates the rainbows she rides to get from place to place. Iris's wings were said to be so beautiful that she could even light up a dark cavern, a trait observable from in the story of her visit to Hypnos (God Of Sleep) in order to get a message Alcyone.

Though Iris was principally associated with communication and messages, she was also believed to aid in the fulfillment of humans' prayers, either by fulfilling them herself or by bringing them to the attention of other deities.

Script Godly: Monkey King

Image result for Monkey King

Overview:  When I was looking into Chinese Pantheon and Mythology in general, I wanted my main character Danny to be someone who people were aware of and that also was interesting character wise and writing wise. I was excited when I found the Monkey King as firstly I knew the character and he fit was I was Looking for.

Note The following is notes and research I gathered about The Monkey King so which I will try to include in my script.

Name: Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King

Pantheon: Chinese 

Deity Type: Trickster/Magic God.

Abilities: Immortality, 72 Di Sha transformation, Jin Dou Cloud, Unbreakable Body, Eye of Truth.

Weapons: Ruyi Jingu Bang (magical staff) Translated as: "The Compliant Golden-Hooped Rod,"

Research/Background: Only like other gods that I will use for my characters The Monkey King is actually a character from literature more specifically 16th century Chinese classical novel Journey to the West. While he is one of most enduring Chinese literary characters, his origins go back to the White Monkey legends from the Chinese Chu kingdom (700–223 BC) which in turn gave rise to stories and art motifs during the Han Dynasty (206 BC – 220 AD).

Sun Wukong was initially developed as a Taoist immortal before being incorporated into Buddhist myths. As referenced in Hera S. Walker paper, "Indigenous or Foreign?: A Look at the Origins of the Monkey Hero Sun Wukong,". The paper also talks about the belief by some scholars to be influenced by elements of both Chinese folklore and one particular Hindu Deity called Hanuman god of Devotion, Power, Humanity, Protection, Discipline.

Here is an image of Hanuman (On The Right) compared to an image of Sun Wukong (On The Left).

Lord hanuman singing bhajans AS.jpgXiyou.PNG

Script: Godly Pantheon.

Image result for pantheon gods

For one of my scripts the idea of gods still existing in a modern world that I have had for awhile so I decided to use this post to detail what Pantheon's i'm looking to use for my script but as if I ever come back to the idea and story after i've finished the script.

  • African pantheons

  • Armenian pantheon

  • Aztec pantheon

  • Berber pantheon

  • Canaanite pantheon

  • Celtic pantheon

  • Chinese pantheon: 
  • For my main character I wanted to him to be obviously a reincarnated but I didn't what him to be one of the gods from one of the most used pantheons, I also had imagined a scene where my main character would have a fight seen with martial arts skills so my mind came to him being a member of the Chinese Pantheon.

  • Divine Council: In normal mythology the divine council  is any high ranking god in any said mythology i.e. Zeus preside over the greek divine council etc. In my idea the divine council are the only god's that are too powerful to be reincarnated and remain in god form. These gods are Zeus ( Greek God of the sky, lightning, thunder, law, order, and justice), Odin (The Allfather/ Norse), Pachamama (Inca Goddess of Earth), Nut (Egyptian Goddess of the Sky and Heavens), Amaterasu (Japanese Goddess of the sun), Igaluk ( Inuit Lunar God), Varuna (Hindu God of the SeaOceanTermites,ScorpionsEels and Water), Mors (Personification of Death)
  • Egyptian pantheon

  • Germanic pantheon

  • Greek pantheon

  • Guanche pantheon

  • Hindu pantheon

  • Incan Pantheon

  • Japanese pantheon

  • Japanese Buddhist pantheon

  • Mayan pantheon

  • Native American pantheons

  • Norse pantheon

  • Rigvedic pantheon

  • Roman pantheon

  • Slavic pantheon

  • Sumerian pantheon